A library of free-to-download regulatory guidance and Health & Safety resources from the ESA. 

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Although some ESA content remains exclusive to our members, we believe that sharing best practice with the whole industry, particularly for health and safety and regulatory issues, is a core role and responsibility of the ESA.

You can view and download a selection of our regulatory and health and safety guidance documents, including free-to-use unbranded collateral for use in your organisation, from the resources library below.

Just use the drop-down menu to select and filter the categories you are interested in. If you have trouble finding what you’re looking for, please contact us.

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TitleSummaryCategoriesFile SizeFile TypeLinkhf:doc_categories
Guidance for the disposal of Bonded Asbestos

This ESA guidance aims to raise industry standards by ending the unacceptable practice whereby loads of broken bonded asbestos arrive for disposal at landfill sites unwrapped and in open containers. This guidance sets out ESA’s expectations on the packaging and presentation of loads of bonded asbestos waste for disposal.

, , 40 KBdocxasbestos guidance health-safety
ESA Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct – which is referred to in ESA’s Articles of Association and Rules, and is binding on Full Members – has been developed to ensure that ESA and its Members lead the sector in transparently promoting and attaining high standards in business and operations.

, , 569 KBpdfduty-of-care regulation standards
ESA protocol for the assessment of hazard status of IBA – Explantory note

An explanatory note building on, and to be read in conjunction with, the ESA’s IBA sampling protocol …

, , 259 KBpdfguidance iba regulation
Assessment of Hazard classification of UK IBA

A comprehensive independent assessment of hazard classification of Incinerator Bottom Ash based on the findings of previous sampling and studies. Produced and published by WRC for the …

, , 1 MBpdfiba regulation research
An assessment of mineralogy of UK municipal waste incinerator bottom ash using geochemical modelling

Results of an independent study into the mineralogy of UK municipal waste incinerator bottom ash using geochemical …

, , 1 MBpdfiba regulation research
2012 ESA IBA Dateset

A 2012 dataset of the results of Incinerator Bottom Ash (IBA) testing among ESA member facilities in accordance with the ESA testing …

, , 601 KBpdfdata iba regulation
2011 ESA IBA Dataset

A 2011 dataset of the results of Incinerator Bottom Ash (IBA) testing among ESA member facilities in accordance with the ESA testing …

, , 446 KBpdfdata iba regulation
ESA IBA “Start up” sampling procedure Diagram

This document provides a procedure for the sampling and testing of Incinerator Bottom Ash (IBA) upon energy recovery facility “start …

, , 949 KBpdfguidance iba regulation
ESA IBA Sampling protocol

Produced by WRC for the ESA, this guidance document sets out a protocol for the sampling and testing of Incinerator Bottom Ash …

, , 749 KBpdfguidance iba regulation
A practitioner’s Guide to testing waste for onward reuse, treatment or disposal acceptance

Guidance developed by WRC for the ESA providing advice about testing waste material for onward reuse, treatment and disposal …

, , 909 KBpdfguidance regulation testing
A guide to the misclassification of waste and how you can avoid it

This guidance document, developed by CIWM and ESA, provides a framework for organisations to assist in the correct classification of waste …

, , 3 MBpdfdsear guidance regulation
Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations Codes of Practice (DSEAR)

Development by the ESA with support from its members, this collection of documents sets out Industry Codes of Practice (ICOP) for adhering to the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations …

, , 25 MBpdfguidance landfill regulation
Industry code of practice for the management of Landfill Gas

Developed by ESA stakeholders, this document sets out a voluntary code of practice for UK landfill industry regarding the safe and proper management of landfill …

, , 6 MBpdfguidance landfill regulation
ICoP Leachate Storage Containment

Developed by ESA stakeholders, this document sets out a voluntary code of practice for UK landfill industry regarding appopriate containment standards for leachate storage …

, , 707 KBpdfguidance landfill regulation
LGG 116 Surface Water Management

Guidance to help develop appropriately sized surface water management systems at landfill sites, produced by the Landfill Guidance …

, , 280 KBpdfguidance landfill regulation
LGG 115 Interface Shear Resistance Testing

Guidance for undertaking geosynthetic interface shear resistance testing, produced by the Landfill Guidance …

, , 337 KBpdfguidance landfill regulation
LGG 114 Drainage Geocomposites

Guidance for using drainage geocomposites in landfill engineering, produced by the Landfill Guidance …

, , 211 KBpdfguidance landfill regulation
LGG 113 Leak Location Testing

Guidance for undertaking leak location surveys through geophysical testing of geomembranes used in landfill sites, produced by the Landfill Guidance …

, , 360 KBpdfguidance landfill regulation
LGG 111 Capping systems

Guidance for the design of landfill capping systems produced by the Landfill Guidance …

, , 151 KBpdfguidance landfill regulation
Governance of Industry Codes of Practice (ICoPs)

This document outlines Governance arrangements for the development and management of industry codes of practice related to landfill by the Landfill Governance Group (LGG) – an industry-leading stakeholder group comprising policy-makers, regulators and commercial …

, , 216 KBpdfguidance landfill regulation
IPHR Modern Slavery Protocol

Information about the IPHR Forum’s Waste and Recycling Modern Slavery Protocol – providing and overview and guidance about how your organisation can sign up to …

, , 957 KBpdfmodern-slavery regulation standards
IPHR Modern Slavery Toolkit

Tools to support businesses within the recycling and waste treatment sector to identify and tackle modern slavery, developed by the Indirect Procurement Human Rights (IPHR) Forum and supported by …

, , 7 MBpdfguidance modern-slavery regulation
ESA Code of Conduct: Modern Day Slavery

This document provides the ESA’s code of conduct for tackling modern day slavery, which all members are required to abide by as a minimum standard in addition to their own …

, , 125 KBpdfmodern-slavery regulation standards
ESA/CIWM Modern Slavery Commitment

A document outlining the ESA and CIWM’s shared commitment to tackling modern slavery within the recycling and waste treatment …

, , 473 KBpdfmodern-slavery regulation standards
WasteSmart training

Link to the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM), which provides professional training to support the safe and proper treatment of waste …

, , aspxduty-of-care guidance regulation
Disposing of Business or Commercial Waste

Link to UK Government resources for businesses which explain their responsibilities when disposing of waste …

, , wwwduty-of-care guidance regulation
Right Waste, Right place

Right Waste, Right Place is an ESA communications campaign which aims to combat waste crime by making waste producers aware of their duty of care. You can find more information on the campaign …

, , wwwduty-of-care guidance regulation
ESA Health and Safety Work Programme 2023-2024

This document provides an overview of the ESA’s health and safety work programme for 2023-2024, outlining the activities of various task and finish …

, , 120 KBpdfgovernance health-safety standards
Health & Safety Culture Survey Results 2022

A report pdf the outcomes of the ESA’s Health and Safety Culture survey, which collates feedback of stakeholders perceptions of health and safety culture across the recycling and waste treatment industry in the United …

, , 637 KBpdfgovernance health-safety standards
Reversing – Poster

A poster to display within your organisation providing guidance for the safe reversing of vehicles: Part of ESA’s Situational Awareness …

, , 246 KBpdfguidance health-safety situational-awareness
Reversing – Huddle Card

Guidance to support internal discussions within your organisation about safe vehicle reversing techniques: Part of the ESA’s Situational Awareness …

, , 125 KBpdfguidance health-safety situational-awareness
Fit to work – Poster

A poster to display within your organisation providing tips for staying mentally and physically fit for work: Part of ESA’s Situational Awareness …

, , 73 KBpdfguidance health-safety situational-awareness
Fit to work – Huddle Card

Guidance to support internal discussions abut staying mentally and physically fit for work: Part of ESA’s Situational Awareness …

, , 138 KBpdfguidance health-safety situational-awareness
Driving for work – Poster

A poster to display within your organisation highlighting ways to stay safe while riving for work: Part of ESA’s Situational Awareness …

, , 103 KBpdfguidance health-safety situational-awareness
Driving for work – Huddle Card

Guidance to support internal discussions related to staying safe while driving for work: Part of ESA’s Situational Awareness …

, , 148 KBpdfguidance health-safety situational-awareness
Transporting waste – Poster

A poster to display within your organisation related to safe handling of waste material containers: Part of ESA’s Situational Awareness …

, , 124 KBpdfguidance health-safety situational-awareness
Transporting waste – Huddle Card

Guidance to support internal discussions related to the safe handling of waste material containers: Part of ESA’s Situational Awareness …

, , 124 KBpdfguidance health-safety situational-awareness
Three points of contact – Poster

A poster to display within your organisation related to the importance of maintaining three points of contact when entering or egressing from vehicles: Part of ESA’s Situational Awareness …

, , 146 KBpdfguidance health-safety situational-awareness
Three points of contact – Huddle Card

Guidance to support internal discussions related to the importance of maintaining three points of contact when entering or egressing from vehicles: Part of ESA’s Situational Awareness …

, , 165 KBpdfguidance health-safety situational-awareness
People in bins – Poster

A poster to display within your organisation related to the safety of people in bins: Part of ESA’s Situational Awareness …

, , 101 KBguidance health-safety situational-awareness
People in bins – Huddle Card

Guidance to support internal discussions related to the safety of people in bins: Part of ESA’s Situational Awareness …

, , 129 KBpdfguidance health-safety situational-awareness
Violence and abuse – Poster

A poster to display within your organisation related to Violence and Abuse incidents: Part of ESA’s Situational Awareness …

, , 145 KBpdfguidance health-safety situational-awareness
Violence and abuse – Huddle Card

Guidance to support internal discussions related to Violence and Abuse incidents: Part of ESA’s Situational Awareness …

, , 136 KBpdfguidance health-safety situational-awareness
(DROPS) Driving on pavements – Poster

A poster to display within your organisation related to Driving on Pavements (DROPS) incidents: Part of ESA’s Situational Awareness …

, , 192 KBpdfguidance health-safety situational-awareness
(DROPS) Driving on pavements – Huddle Card

Guidance to support internal discussions related to Driving On Pavements (DROPS) incidents: Part of ESA’s Situational Awareness …

, , 148 KBpdfguidance health-safety situational-awareness
Situational Awareness – Supporting campaign notes

This document provides an overview of the topics included in the ESA’s “Situational Awareness” campaign. Each topic is supported by video content, posters and “huddle cards” that can be used in your …

, , 2 MBdocxguidance health-safety situational-awareness
Vehicle and Pedestrian Interface – Good Practice Guidance

This ESA Good Practice Guidance document has been prepared to support on-site management of pedestrian and vehicle segregation – offering advice about site design considerations and control …

, , 619 KBpdfguidance health-safety vehicles
Supporting good mental health in the waste management industry

Guidance to raise awareness of, and improve, mental health in the recycling and waste treatment industry. This document forms part of a suite of resources produced by …

, , 892 KBpdfguidance health-safety mental-health
Site Process Factors Examples and Template

Building on our risk assessment guidance, this document provides a site-by-site template of relevant risk …

, , 61 KBdocxhealth-safety risk-assessment template
Scored Risk Assessment Template

Building on our risk assessment guidance, this document provides a blank template to undertake a scored risk …

, , 17 KBdocxhealth-safety risk-assessment template
Non-Scorecard Risk Assessment Template

Building on our risk assessment guidance, this document provides a blank template to conduct a non-scored risk …

, , 14 KBdocxhealth-safety research template
Non-Scorecard Risk Assessment Template

Building on our risk assessment guidance, this document provides a blank template to conduct a non-scored risk …

, , 14 KBdocxhealth-safety risk-assessment template
Approach to Risk Assessment

This guidance builds on Health and Safety Executive (HSE) guidance and provides specific advice to recycling and waste treatment organisations to support risk …

, , 984 KBpdfguidance health-safety risk-assessment
Embedding a competency system

Guidance to help design, embed and sustain a competency management system for your …

, , 2 MBpdfguidance health-safety management
Induction guidance

Guidance to support delivery of a standardised best-practice induction process for your …

, , 2 MBpdfguidance health-safety management